Parish Plans

Parish Plan 2010
Parish Plan

To produce this Parish Plan views were sought from every household and business within the Parish of Hurn, by distribution of a questionnaire and an open event evening.

People were invited to give their opinions about how they would like to see Hurn in the future. A Steering group was formed which comprised of Hurn residents and Parish Councillors, and after analysis of responses, further extensive consultation and investigation was carried out around the issues raised, to inform the direction and content of the Parish Plan. The result of two years’ work was The Hurn Parish Plan 2010.

Hurn Parish Plan
Hurn Forest Biodiversity Audit
Biodiversity Plan

Hurn Forest is believed to be an important place for common, rare and protected wildlife alike. However, there has been a lack of data to support this belief, with only limited ecological data and wildlife records from the last 30-40 years.

At 5 kilometres long, and some 370 hectares in area, it constitutes a substantial and valued area, whether as a wildlife reserve and corridor, as a landscape feature, as a place to produce timber and other renewable products, or as a place for people to enjoy the countryside. The purpose of this report is to draw together the collective ecological knowledge of Hurn Forest in to one place. This includes current and historic records primarily sourced from the Dorset Environmental Records Centre as well as the Forestry Commission, in addition to any written reports for the Forest. The Report includes a Botanical Assessment and 2013 surveys for Fungi, Butterflies and Moths, Invertebrates, Reptiles, Birds and Bats, with many rare and protected species being identified as living in the Forest.

Hurn Forest Biodiversity Audit