Your Hurn Parish Councillors

Margaret Phipps

Margaret runs her own small business in Hurn. She has lived in the Parish since 1993 and became a Councillor in 1995.

She is actively involved in very many local issues and represents the Parish at numerous meetings with other Councils and organisations. Her particular interest is protecting the natural environment of Hurn.

Ian Evans

Ian Evans

Vice Chairman

01202 477566

Register of interests

Ian is a retired languages lecturer, whose family came to live in Hurn in 1975, since when he has been interested in local affairs and issues.

In representing the Parishioners of Hurn, his priority is to try and give them an effective voice in matters which concern both them and the Parish.

Hazel Balkaya Shore

Hazel Balkaya Shore


01202 485288

Register of interests

Hazel moved to Hurn in 2013 with her family and runs Hurn Stores and Post Office. Having been in food production management for 15 years she wanted to be involved directly with customers in their community. Hazel hopes to give local parishioners a voice, as by being in the shop at the hub of Hurn Village, she is accessible daily.

Mark Cranham

Mark has lived in Moors Close for 30 years with his wife and has brought up 3 children here, the youngest being 18.
As a family they have had an input to having the play parks in Moors Close both 18 years ago and to date.
He also liaises with Hurn Court quarry to ensure the parishes interests are upheld. Hurn is a beautiful village and he is committed to be the voice of the parishioners.

Jenni Jones

Jenni Jones


01202 485258

Register of interests

Harvey Greenman

Harvey Greenman


07768 620444

Register of interests

Harvey lives in West Hurn with his wife and two daughters. He has been a Parish Councillor since 2003. His responsibilities include liaising with other town and parish councils in Dorset.

There are many challenges facing Hurn and he is committed to preserving the character of our village for future generations.